Unsteady time-dependent fluid flows are notoriously difficult to simulate efficiently especially at high Reynolds numbers and with dynamic fluid-structure interaction. In this talk, I will introduce the non-traditional mesoscopic methods for fluid simulation based on the lattice Boltzmann modeling and their high-performance GPU-based implementation to tackle this problem. More specifically, I will introduce advanced collision modeling and boundary treatment methods for high Reynolds number flows, as well as the multi-resolution simulation techniques. In addition, I will also introduce the mesoscopic and hybrid methods for simulating two-phase and multiphase fluid flows. Optimizations for GPU implementation will be briefly mentioned. Validations over different experimental setups will be shown, indicating the efficiency and accuracy of our method. Finally, as demonstrations, I will show a variety of practical applications of our method in multiple domains.
刘晓培博士现任上海科技大学信息科学与技术学院视觉与数据智能中心常任终生副教授,博士生导师。他于香港中文大学获得计算机科学与工程博士学位,并在新加坡南洋理工大学担任博士后研究员,从事经典与量子流体的仿真与可视化研究,并将基于GPU的高性能计算与机器学习融入流体仿真中。他的研究成果发表在多个领域的重要顶级期刊及会议上,如ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM TOG, JCP, PRD, POF, IEEE TVCG, IEEE ICRA等,主持国家自然科学基金青年及面上项目,参与上海市科委及香港ITF重点研发项目,也曾参与新加坡南洋理工与英国劳斯莱斯虚拟飞机涡扇引擎仿真研发项目。刘晓培博士目前主要从事高性能流体仿真与建模、大规模科学可视化与渲染、高性能并行计算、机器学习及无人飞行器/潜航器的动力学仿真、设计与控制等方面的研究,带领团队独立研发全自主国产化流体仿真工业软件,并逐步应用于实际工程研发与制造中。